
Lyme Disease and Histamine Intolerance

17 September 2019

Lyme Disease and Histamine Intolerance.

If you have Lyme disease or any other serious health issues you may find this article useful. It’s a fact that inflammation raises its ugly head in all health problems. Autoimmune diseases, CVD, blood pressure, respiratory, muscle-skeletal, arthritis, chronic pain, digestive, mental or sinus, even cancer. 

But what causes inflammation?

Allergies and Intolerances will be a Series of articles Covering the following;

We will also have a look at the involvement of ‘mast cells’ in inflammatory responses. Called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Mastocytosis. We will look into our exposure to latex in everyday life, histamine rich foods, the number of salicylates we come into contact with, and what happens when environmental pollen counts are high, and is this the only source of pollen. 

As we said in the first article, oral allergy syndromes are rising to pandemic proportions, but these food allergens were not affecting us in years gone by, it is a modern phenomenon. But why? 

Just to recap, in the last post story about allergies and intolerances, we spoke about peanut allergy, Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease, Asthma and Dairy. 

So, today we will cover Histamine and Mast Cells.

Histamine Allergy/Intolerance

Histamine has become a hated natural bodily response. The histamine that humans produce has a number of key functions, like its response to pathogens. It increases the permeability of white blood cells, who in turn engage with infected cells.

It acts as a neurotransmitter for the brain, uterus and spinal cord, it helps the gut function by triggering stomach acid, it also mediates itching. Histamine is released after injury or allergic reaction because it’s part of our immune response.

So why in the modern world is it causing problems? There are 2 other histamine producers, food and bacteria. Histamine in food becomes an issue when we stop making the enzyme required to digest it. Once Diamine Oxidase (DOA) or Histaminase production is lost, we become overloaded with histamine which then creates all the symptoms of histamine intolerance.

If you have any form of inflammation, histamine must be taken out of your diet entirely, in our experience. A mop-up of residue histamine with specialist supplements will help. Also, it’s important to take DAO enzymes with each meal.

The reason we stop producing DAO is that we are producing too much Estrogen. When the estrogen-progesterone balance is in favour of estrogen it stimulates mast cells and histamine. So why are we producing too much estrogen in the modern world, well that’s a whole other article.

Please read Household Toxins:

Histamine Rash

Histamine and Lyme

Sounds like a drink! I’ll have a Histamine and Lyme, please. Not. 

Histamine doesn’t cause Lyme but it certainly stirs up the infections causing inflammation. Our immune systems are shot to bits anyway, and high histamine foods can tip you over the edge. If your histamine levels are high it could be what you are eating that’s causing it, even if it’s not shown up on a test. For instance, spinach, on the face of it healthy, right? But it’s high in histamine. The list of foods containing histamine is vast.

Histamine Allopathic Treatments

Antihistamine tablets are handed out like confetti, but these only turn off the natural histamine we produce in response to the overload of histamine from food. Antihistamines do not stop food-based histamine.

These are some short term side effects of Antihistamine tablets; Dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, mood swings, urination issues, blurred vision and confusion.

Natural Remedies

Vitamin C and Quercetin. Cut out all histamine based foods, take DOA enzymes with every meal, also useful are histamine blocking and mopping up supplements.

Histamine Intolerance/Allergy Symptoms (here are a few):

  • Skin – Hives, Itchy Red skin, rashes, eczema, acne and flushing of face, red lines formed when itching, oedema and more.
  • Digestion – IBS (constipation, diarrhea), Feeling of fullness, flatulence, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting.
  • Head – Headaches, migraines, sinusitis, runny nose, weepy eyes, dizziness, CFS, tiredness.
  • Chest – Asthma, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Low Blood pressure.
  • Mood – Anxiety, Mood swings, depression, sleep issues.
Man feeling sick

Histamine Based Foods and Histamine Liberating foods

I’m not going to list every food, there are too many, just email us at Health Bunker and we’ll provide a list. But here’s a few histamine based foods just to give you an idea:

  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Fermented Vegetables like Sauerkraut
  • Fermented dairy, Cheese, yoghurt, sour cream, buttermilk and kefir.
  • Banana, all citrus, strawberries
  • All deli meats, sausage, smoked meats.

What are Mast Cells?

Mast Cells are basically allergy cells, for instance, if you have a reaction to latex, our histamine levels rise. Mast cells initiate an allergic response, ‘mediators’ are released, these are stored and made inside mast cells.

Mast cells start life in our bone marrow, unlike other white blood cells, they are not fully matured when released into our blood. They only fully mature when they enter the tissue.

The allergy antibody IgE is released during allergic reactions. IgE releases histamine and other chemicals which in turn generally cause issues in the nose, throat, lungs or skin. Mast cells can also be stirred up by, medications, infections, insects, or chemicals like contact with latex (food or synthetic-based).

The evidence for the role of mast cells in autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis and Thyroid disease, is now growing.

Mastocytosis is really chronic inflammation of mast cells here are some symptoms:

  • Anaemia
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting
  • Itching, hives flushing of the skin, marks on the skin after scratching.

So what is causing seemingly essential cells to basically mutate and go rogue?

Bowl of Spinich

What’s causing the rise of inflammatory diseases?

The answer, everything in modern life, the list is far too big to name all of them. But, let’s use milk as an example. If milk has 20 drugs added to it (Lyme Disease, Allergies and Intolerances) and some of them are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and let’s say some of the common side effects are the same as, Mastocytosis or Histamine intolerance or other conditions.

For example, Ketoprofen is an NSAID used on cattle, which is then found in milk, here are the known side effects.

Upset Stomach, heartburn, stomach pain, extreme tiredness, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, dizziness, nervousness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, headache, skin rash itching, dry mouth, sweating, runny nose, vision blurred, tinnitus. 

This is just one thing in the diets of most people in the UK that causes the same issues. Our illnesses or diseases are all multi-layered, meaning it’s more than one culprit causing the same multiple symptoms.

The question should be why are multiple chemicals and drugs put into our bodies that cause sickness?

Health Bunker

There is no doubt the evidence is overwhelming, that we are living in a toxic environment, which is altering our DNA and in turn influencing our cells. EPIGENETICS, which means, these chemical reactions are altering our biological behaviour, in our own lifetimes. Think about it.

For example, if more estrogen is being introduced into our diets, through food, plastics and other chemicals, then it will have an effect on human reproduction. 

We are being given things that are passed as safe, but really cause multiple side effects. This is very concerning for all of us.

Eat Well. Be Well.

Dom and Nic
Health Bunker
It’s Your Life. Own it!

*Disclaimer – Please note, we are not Doctors or trained medical professionals. We are not giving medical advice. Check with your Doctor or health practitioner before trying anything. All information for this Post/Video is from mainstream research sources.



Cleveland Clinic
Allergy UK