When ozone is injected into an injury it may wake up the body which then starts series of reactions to restart the healing process.
May Activate Regeneration
Could Reduce Inflammation
May Stimulate Repair
Might Reduce Infections
There are many benefits of Ozone Injections. Reduction of inflammation is important; ozone may stop the pain by reducing inflammation. Allowing for better blood flow which in turn carries nutrition to the area.
Ozone injections may also help the reduction of infections that are often found in, muscles and joints. Getting rid of infected areas reduces pain and improves movement.
Oxygen (O2) consists of 2 atoms. It is the most stable form of O2, it is colourless. Ozone is what makes the sky blue and is made from 3 Oxygen atoms or molecules. The third oxygen atom is what makes ozone really supercharged oxygen.
Ozone is the earth natural disinfectant. Ozone has been used for over a century to disinfect hospital wards, purify water, and clean wounds during WW1.
Ozone was further developed in Germany to treat various medical conditions in the early 1950s. Medical grade Ozone is widely used across Europe. It’s safety record when used correctly is unparalleled.
There are many different Ozone modalities, here are a few reasons why it works well for macular degeneration and other chronic conditions.
According to some leading experts:
Health Bunker Clinics only use experienced Nurses to guarantee the highest quality in client experience.
We offer a host of treatments, including a full complement of Ozone therapies, Vitamin and Nutrient IVs.
There are different ozoneprocedures, so prices vary. Please contact us for further details.
That is dependent of the individual.
We use Herrmann Medozon Comfort, medical grade ozone equipment called, manufactured in Germany.
Health Bunker Clinic offers a large selection of ozone procedures.