Every month Health Bunker will cover at least one essential nutrient, and today we will be writing about two, Selenium and Zinc. For those that don’t know, a nutrient is;
‘A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life’.
Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids (proteins) and Fatty Acids (Omega 3,6,9) make up the 40 or so essential nutrients we require to function normally. Humans need these essential nutrients to live healthy lives, without them we run the risk of disease.
Health Bunker will show how deficiencies of zinc and selenium affect our; immune systems, cardiovascular systems, and increase free radical damage. We will show you why Zinc and Selenium supplements are important in the modern world we live in.
Most adults here in the UK, the United States and around the world are deficient in at least one essential nutrient.
I have mentioned in a few previous articles that modern industrial agriculture has over-farmed the land, which decreases the nutrient values. The crops are sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers. These industrial chemicals reduce the friendly bacteria and in turn reduce the nutrient content.
Also, most of the food we eat is heavily processed, and by the time we get around to cooking the food, it is very low on nutrient values. These levels are lowered even further when we finally cook the food. Boiling, roasting, and frying all reduce nutrients, and microwave cooking basically destroys it.
This means by the time we eat there is next to nothing from a nutrition point of view left for us to eat. If we look at each essential nutrient and drill a little deeper to discover what the deficiencies are for each we will uncover an increased risk of; heart disease, kidney failure, decreased thyroid function, prostate cancer, and other cancers, diabetes, obesity, etc. In fact all of the modern-day disease that blight us all today.
So, to increase the amounts of nutrients and reduce the risk of disease, should we be taking a good source of supplementation? With this in mind, in today’s article we will cover;
- Foods that contain zinc and selenium.
- The health benefits of zinc and selenium
What is Selenium and Zinc Good For?