As the title suggests we will be discussing how to do an intense intestinal detox utilising the powerful effects of ozone therapy in conjunction with colonic irrigations. The benefits to the digestive system when doing colonic cleansing has been known for years.
In today’s hectic lifestyles, our digestive systems are under immense pressure, and some simply cannot cope. We eat too quickly which reduces chewing, which then means food is not broken down into the right size pieces or mixed with saliva to start the digestive process before it reaches the stomach.
Also the food we eat has more toxins attached to it and usually mixed with things like MSG or gluten. These products are difficult for the digestive system to utilise. Debris gets stuck onto the insides of our intestines, which then blocks important nutrient receptors.
As I have pointed out in previous articles, our food is nutrient deficient in the first place and what little there is could also be lost.Then the whole cycle begins again. The end game is the catalogue of digestive issues and intolerances we see blighting us all today.
Colonic Hydrotherapy or Ozone Insufflations are not intended as a substitute for Drs advice. But natural maintenance has to be a benefit to health problems, so long as the procedures are carried out by professionals in a clinical environment.